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Singin' In The Rain Jr. - ALL SALES CLOSED

The Padre Pio Academy Production of Singin' In The Rain Jr. is happening on Friday March 15 and Saturday March 16. The performances start at 7:30 PM. Tickets are SOLD OUT.

 Please email ads to Katie Butler, kbutler@pioacademy.org. We accept text, PDF, JPEG and PNG formats.

 Last day to purchase ads and flowers is 3/12/2024 - ALL SALES CLOSED. Thank you!

At Padre Pio Academy
12920 Madison Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107

Support PPA Players with an ad!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Full Page Ad
19 Remaining

Half Page Ad
17 Remaining

Quarter Page Ad
17 Remaining
Purchase flowers!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Friday Bouquet of Flowers
130 Remaining
Your bouquet includes 1 carnation with baby's breath and fern wrapped in a plastic sleeve with a bow. You may purchase additional carnations. Pick up before the show or at intermission. We are unable to guarantee colors.

Saturday Bouquet of Flowers (2)
141 Remaining
Your bouquet includes 1 carnation with baby's breath and fern wrapped in a plastic sleeve with a bow. You may purchase additional carnations.  Pick up before the show or at intermission. We are unable to guarantee colors.

Additional Carnation - Friday
137 Remaining
Available for both Friday and Saturday. Colors cannot be guaranteed.

I would like to make a donation
